Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pescina, Italy (and area)

Festa time in Pescina, Pave' & Lui in A 1953 Fiat

A forno oven, Ivana Anestos wife, where our dinner is being prepared

A side street going up

The castle overlooking Pescina

John & Lui looking for the way in

AJ in the 1953 Fiat, Who says I' a bit big

A street market stall

Ok Maybe I am just a bit bigger than most folks, Vinccezo one of Lui's  many cousins
Arnesto retrieving a bottle from 1964? or so for Anita and Lui to take home

Here is the leader of a big old band,  Captain Fruit Loop Crunch just had to pose,  you should have seen him prance.  WE were taken to see the toilet bowl player but they were cancelled or something and CFLC was who we got instead

Pescina castle from afar

The church just down the  road from our hotel

Ok which way did he say to go

WE both got our hair done, nice eh

In fact everyone got their hair done

Roman ruins turn up everywhere, even in St Bernedeto on the back streets

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