OK, to put some perspective in this we need to return to the Land of the Wee People, Ireland.
Now I have never really considered myself that tall or large but then back home we have been able to purchase items that fit much better than I have encountered over here, in most cases.
In Ireland we experienced doors that you had to get on your knees to find the key hole, beds that felt like not just my ankles were over the end but most of my calves as well. Head & foot boards to ensure you don't fall out or some dumb thing like that. Some of the rooms we so small that you couldn't even swing a cat let alone a rat. Hell it would be hard to put your arms out and twirl around without hitting a wall. Nearest thing in NA that came close these environs was in Boston when I got bumped due to a big due with the Kennedy's or some bloody thing where there was no room at the Inn. So off we go to another hotel, room at the end of some snaking corrridors and if it was 6 ft wide I am exaggerating. Anyways some of the places we went I had to turn sideways to move through, just about wedged myself in the entrance to the Newgrange Burial tomb but luckily my senses said TURN NOW and even then I just passed through with lowering myself down to knee level. OK it was built 5,000 year or more ago but excavations indicated they were relatively tall people.
At the end of our Ireland trip I was not sorry to see our vehicle fading into the sunset as we were driven away to the airport. Lots of headroom but legroom was at a premium even driving from the back seat. The baths were of such dimensions that you got goosed by the toilet handle if you bent down to pick up the soap. I thought that only happened in prison.. There is a photo of Pave' in a bath/shower that I cannot post but I will post the tub in Prague and then imagine ust how small the Killarney spot was. I was able to get both feet in at once it ws so tiny.
Once we left Ireland I thought the space issue was over and in most cases it was but here is our tub in Prague.
The bike I used in Praha was also small and getting a larger frame consisted of raising the seat. Helped a bit but again I was not sorry to see or feel the end of the ride.
Ok then there have been the flights and the seats well let's just say that it was a good thing the flights have been so short. The last one I could not even move my legs as they were wedged into the seat in front. Eating out, as we must do, and having tables rest on your quads makes junk food all the more appealing except for the fact I like good food too much to deprive myself like that.
Anyways time to stop and just smell the roses as we are on the Black Sea sunbathing or in my case shade bathing listening to the water lap against the shore and view the briliant blue waters as we go for another beer.
Back again after a number of bus rides. The busses are quite different than those back home as they have stewards coming up and down the aisle offering water, coffee or tea. They are Ok but after an overnighter let's say it was great to get off and stretch. Now there are thee small busses, we just finished a 4.5 hour one from Pamukkale to Selcek. I had to take my shoes off to get my feet under the seat in front. Enough of this line of thought because I am going to find it difficult no matter where we go except home.
One last comment or I will never get this posted. On our boat cruise we slept on deck mostly because of the heat and limited ventilation. Sleeping under the starry skies was absolutely wonderful. But if I tried to lie down in our bunk my feet were wedged against one bulkhead while my head was against the other. Let's just say it was nice be able to be outside.
Ok then there have been the flights and the seats well let's just say that it was a good thing the flights have been so short. The last one I could not even move my legs as they were wedged into the seat in front. Eating out, as we must do, and having tables rest on your quads makes junk food all the more appealing except for the fact I like good food too much to deprive myself like that.
Anyways time to stop and just smell the roses as we are on the Black Sea sunbathing or in my case shade bathing listening to the water lap against the shore and view the briliant blue waters as we go for another beer.
Back again after a number of bus rides. The busses are quite different than those back home as they have stewards coming up and down the aisle offering water, coffee or tea. They are Ok but after an overnighter let's say it was great to get off and stretch. Now there are thee small busses, we just finished a 4.5 hour one from Pamukkale to Selcek. I had to take my shoes off to get my feet under the seat in front. Enough of this line of thought because I am going to find it difficult no matter where we go except home.
One last comment or I will never get this posted. On our boat cruise we slept on deck mostly because of the heat and limited ventilation. Sleeping under the starry skies was absolutely wonderful. But if I tried to lie down in our bunk my feet were wedged against one bulkhead while my head was against the other. Let's just say it was nice be able to be outside.
Hi Pauline, Hi Arne,
I love your comments. The pictures are beautiful and I am getting so excited about my visit to Europe. I do love the architecture. The beach and beer looks very inviting as it's so hot here. Fortunately, height is not a problem for me. I have to cut material off pants and sleeves. I am flying out tomorrow for London, to visit relatives and then on to Sofia. I will meet up with a friend on July 30, and then we will meet another hiking friend on Aug. 10 and do some walking in the Rila Mountains and the mountains around Sofia. I return Aug. 27. Cheers Roz
And they say it's a big man's world. Thanks for making me feel good about being vertically challenged...or maybe it's not me that's challenged; I always have lots of legroom.
They do make things a lot smaller in Europe, even in our 'modern' home in Wales I have to walk sideways thru some doorways and rooms. They're just used to things being small I guess.
Sounds like other than the poor fit between you and the continent the trip is going well. What's not to like about a beer on the beach with the only sound the lapping of the waves?
Didn't see the pic of the tub. Did I look in the wrong place?
Hi Arne and Pave,
We have been enjoying your blog, hanging around Arne’s (Colin’s).
Summertime is good. Cheryl is on vacation.
Terry and Colin both got new computers. Have you heard of this thing called the internets. Its amazing! Just like your adventure!!
Sorry you missed your party. (BTW, you’re out of akavit).
Sorry you’re going to miss Willy’s bbq on the 26th (BTW, you’re out of beer).
Willy is teething nicely. He‘ll be off the breast soon.
Willy brought your postcard from Australia, or wherever, over to C.’s.
You owe him 33 cents.
Have fun. Smell you later.
Willy, Colin, Terry, and Cheryl.
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